117 næmingar til roynd í næstu viku
117 næmingar í føroysku musikkskúlaskipanini fara til roynd í ljóðførisspæli næstu vikuna.
Næmingarnir fáa eina meting í orðum og tølum um teirra framførslu og um teirra førleikar. Royndin fevnir um nøkur tónleikastykki, men eisini um at spæla tónastigar uttanat, spæla frá blaðnum, syngja uttanat og frá nótablaði, at klappa rytmur, lurta og at greina.
Tónleikararnir fáa prógv tá teir hava staðið royndina. Tað eru átta stig, og omaná hesi átta, eru trý stig samsvarandi krøvum á hægri útbúgvingum. Byrjarar kunnu fara til roynd og fáa eitt skrivligt úttalilsi beinanvegin, við ongum tølum.
Tað er enski metingarstovninum Associated Board of The Royal Schools of Music, ið kemur higar. Stovnurin hevur meira enn hundrað ár á baki og dømir um tónleikaavrik hjá næmingum um allan heim. Sami próvdómari kemur ongantíð aftur á sama stað at døma. Hetta er fyri at tryggja at gegnið verður í lagi og at metingin verður hin sama alla staðni á klótuni.
Royndirnar verða frá mánadegnum 22. november og til leygardagin 26. november. Føroysku musikkskúlanæmingarnir fáa undirvísing runt alt landið, og tey, ið fara til roynd hesaferð, spæla á tvørfloytu, blokkfloytu, klarinett, altsaxofon, tenorsaxofon, gittar, klaver, kirkjuorgul, violin, cello, slagverk, trummur, sang, trompet, cornet, waldhorn, baritone, euphonium og trombone. Føroyskur tulkur er til staðar.
Próvdómari hesaferð er Anthony Froggatt, ið er útbúgvin pianistur, urguleikari og slagverksleikari, komponistur og kórleiðari.
um próvdómaran stendur á enskum:
Anthony Froggatt studied at Manchester University and the Royal Manchester College of Music, specializing in piano, organ and percussion. He was organist of the University Church and a percussionist with the BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra. After further study at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, he was appointed to Guildford Cathedral as Assistant Organist, where he made numerous broadcasts and recordings with the Cathedral Choir.
He was subsequently appointed Organist and Master of the Choristers at Portsmouth Cathedral and to a teaching post at Portsmouth Grammar School. Here , too, he was involved in Many television and radio broadcasts and several highly acclaimed recordings.
Since leaving the cathedral in 1990 he has continued his career as an organist and percussionist, and is frequently in demand as an adjudicator for the British and International Federation of Festivals. Recently he was a judge at the International Choral Festival in Sligo, Ireland, and often works with local choral societies, including the Portsmouth Choral Union, the Chichester Singers, and Chichester Voices. His compositions include a number of seasonal introits, descants and carol arrangements.
As an organ recitalist he has played in many Brithish cathedrals, and further afield in Europe, having a special interest in the music of Max Reger. He is timpanist and percussionist to the Southern Pro Musica. In 2000 he directed the music at Magdalen college, Oxford, where his work with the choir included a network broadcast of the Easter Vigil, and concerts with the Raglan Baroque Players in Oxford and London.
On his latest CD, recorded in Chichester Cathedral, he accompanies the celebrated Japanese virtuoso Fuminori Shinozaki in music for violin and organ.